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Domestic and family violence
Responding to a domestic violence order application
Legal information guide
Find out the legal options available for responding to a domestic violence order (DVO) application, what is the meaning of certain legal phrases and words and where to access help.
Completing an affidavit (aggrieved)
Find out how to complete an affidavit for a domestic and family violence hearing as an aggrieved individual, what the requirements are for serving an affidavit on someone and being a witness.
Completing an affidavit (respondents)
Find out how to complete an affidavit for a domestic and family violence hearing as a respondent individual, what the requirements are for serving an affidavit on someone and being a witness.
Protecting sexual assault counselling records
Find out about the Counselling Notes Protect service, how it protects sexual assault victims’ records, what is counselling and whether police can access your information.
How to apply for a domestic violence order
Legal information guide
Learn all about domestic violence orders (DVO), how to access urgent help, where to lodge a DVO application and what is involved when you go to court.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Relationships and children
You and family law. A short guide
Legal information guide
Find out how family law impacts decisions about separation and divorce, domestic violence, dispute resolution, children and dividing property and where to access help.
Your family law property arbitration
Legal information guide
Find out about the Property Arbitration Program, how it works, the eligibility requirements and the processes and costs involved.
Your family law property conference
Find out about family law property conferences, the eligibility requirements, what is involved, why you should attend and the processes and costs involved.
When separating
A video series on separation which explores topics such as domestic violence, property and money, children and parenting, resolving disputes and getting legal help.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Criminal justice
Youth Legal Advice Hotline
Wallet card
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what legal help we provide to young people.
Protecting sexual assault counselling records
Find out about the Counselling Notes Protect service, how it protects sexual assault victims’ records, what is counselling and whether police can access your information.
Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line
Wallet card
Order a pack of 50 Legal Aid Queensland business cards promoting the Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line and contact number.
Cars and driving
Law for all podcast
Episode 2: Legal tips and pitfalls: buying a used car in Queensland
Work and money
How do I ask for a review about my ABSTUDY debt?
Legal information guide
Find out what are your options when you have an ABSTUDY debt, how to request a review by Centrelink and the Administrative Review Tribunal and where to submit an application.
Need help with your money and debt problems?
Find out how Legal Aid Queensland can help you with finance problems related to mortgages, personal loans, high interest rates, contracts and phone, gas and electricity plans.
The Farm and Rural Legal Service
Learn about the Farm and Rural Legal Service and how it can help you with severe debt-related problems and bank negotiations.
Are you struggling to pay a loan?
Legal information guide
Find out what are your options when you can’t repay a loan, what lenders can do to recover their money and how your credit rating can be affected.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Law for all podcast
Episode 2: Legal tips and pitfalls: buying a used car in Queensland
Personal rights and safety
About Legal Aid Queensland
Are you looking for legal help?
Find out what legal help we provide and how to contact Legal Aid Queensland and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Line.
Youth Legal Advice Hotline
Wallet card
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what legal help we provide to young people.
Can I get legal aid?
Find out about our funding guidelines, how the means and merits tests are applied, if you are eligible for a grant of legal aid and how to lodge a legal aid application.
Translated materials
Information for new arrivals to Queensland
Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme
Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.
Last updated 29 June 2022