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Domestic and family violence
Law week 2012 hypothetical
The 2012 Law Week Hypothetical examines what domestic violence is and helps distinguish the myths from the facts.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Relationships and children
Life after separation—putting the pieces back together
This presentation offers information about the options available to you when separating depending on your circumstances and, by dropping in on two families, will help you get a clearer idea of how the system works in ‘real life’ scenarios.
When separating
When separating is a video series designed to help couples considering or experiencing separation.
Ailan Kastom child rearing practice in Torres Strait Islander families
Torres Strait Islander families have traditional adoption and
child raising practices called Ailan Kastom child rearing practice. Under Ailan Kastom child rearing practice, a child’s biological (birth) parents may agree for another couple (the cultural parents) within their extended family to permanently raise their biological child as the cultural parents’ own.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Criminal justice
Youth Legal Advice Hotline
Wallet card
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what legal help we provide to young people.
Law week 2011 hypothetical
The Law week 2011 hypothetical explores the challenges faced by people with intellectual disability in Queensland's justice system.
Law week 2010 hypothetical
The Law week 2010 hypothetical explores Queensland's Drug Court program and drug diversion sentencing options.
Law week 2009 hypothetical
The Law week 2009 hypothetical explores the current response of our criminal justice, education and community services to the over-representation of Indigenous people in our justice system.
Law week 2008 hypothetical
The Law week 2008 hypothetical explores the response of our criminal justice, health, education and community services to a juvenile offender with behavioural issues.
Law week 2007 hypothetical
The Law week 2007 hypothetical explores the myriad factors considered when sentencing an offender charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death.
Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line
Wallet card
Order a pack of 50 Legal Aid Queensland business cards promoting the Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line and contact number.
Cars and driving
Law for all podcast
Episode 2: Legal tips and pitfalls: buying a used car in Queensland
Work and money
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Law for all podcast
Episode 2: Legal tips and pitfalls: buying a used car in Queensland
Personal rights and safety
About Legal Aid Queensland
Are you looking for legal help?
Find out what legal help we provide and how to contact Legal Aid Queensland and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Line.
Youth Legal Advice Hotline
Wallet card
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what legal help we provide to young people.
Translated materials
Information for new arrivals to Queensland
Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme
Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.
Last updated 29 June 2022