Strategic Workforce Plan 2024-27
Strategic objective1
Provide quality and cost effective legal services to our clients
Ensure we capably respond to people most at risk of social exclusion including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Build on our business capability, sustainability and workplace culture
- Maintain a well, safe, skilled and engaged workforce.
- Maintain a safe workplace.
Our vision and purpose1
LAQ’s workforce vision is to be a great place to work where our people are respected, valued, safe and supported.
Vision: To be a leader in a fair justice system where people can understand and protect their legal and human rights.
Our values
Social justice
Cost effectiveness
Our workforce2
Total employees 709
Flexible workforce 566 full time, 143 part time
Turnover rate (annually) 13.82%
Average age 42.14 years
Age diversity
60+ years 8.74%
25 years and under 6.63%
Women in senior positions 66.67%
Women 78.42%
Men 21.44%
Non-binary 0.14%
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 4.37%
People with disability 5.78%
Culturally and linguistically diverse (language) 1.83%
Risks and opportunities
Workplace health and safety and psychosocial risk – provide a healthy and safe work environment, particularly around issues of psychosocial health and vicarious trauma.
Recruitment/retention – talent shortages and changing workforce expectations mean we need to lift our talent attraction and retention strategies.
Workforce planning and capacity – ensure we have appropriate staffing with the right structures and support to respond to LAQ’s strategic priorities.
Culture and work environment – reinforce our core behaviours around respectful workplaces and LAQ’s values.
First Nations Strategic Plan – key linkage
Guide the ongoing development of LAQ’s cultural capability in providing best practice legal services to meet the needs of First Nations peoples.
Ensure a strong First Nations workforce is developed and maintained at LAQ.
Strategic levers
Talent acquisition
Capability and leadership
New ways of working
LAQ will find better ways to recruit and select staff using contemporary talent acquisition strategies.
Capability development is critical in the changing environment. We will leverage internal talent and foster innovative approaches to leadership.
Our culture needs to support and reward people to think and behave differently by fostering inclusiveness, harnessing diversity and enhancing wellbeing.
LAQ is continuing to grow and respond to increased and changing service demands. We need to be open to new ways of working to respond to this.
- Continue to modernise and enhance our recruitment and selection practices
- Develop and implement a new First Nations Employment Strategy
- Enhance LAQ’s employer brand as a great place to work and promote benefits to both current and prospective employees
- Ensure effective performance and development discussions occur, and use these to develop capabilities in personalised ways
- Build on LAQ’s leadership and management capability
- Develop a learning and development strategy to meet LAQ’s needs
- Increased focus on cultural measurement and tracking progress towards meeting cultural targets
- Increase our understanding of diversity target groups’ experiences to develop effective strategies to increase their representation
- Continue to support a healthy and safe workplace for all staff
- Reinforce our core behaviours around respectful workplaces and living the LAQ values
- Ensure workplace collaboration and connection is enhanced, including in the context of flexible work arrangements
- Review organisational resourcing (including structures, numbers and levels where needed) to meet the needs of a growing and changing LAQ
- Ensure data and technology are leveraged to enhance decision making, business efficiency and the employee experience
- Ensure HR policy, procedures and delegations are updated
1 Legal Aid Queensland Strategic Plan 2023–27
2 Based on June 2023 MOHRI data
Last updated 20 November 2023