Financial contributions made by clients

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    Initial financial contributions

    Pursuant to s 18 of Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997, a grant of aid can be made subject to a condition that the client make a contribution towards the costs of providing legal services by way of an initial financial contribution.

    If Legal Aid Queensland has determined that in line with the means test the client must make a fixed contribution towards the costs of providing legal assistance it is the responsibility of the practitioner to collect the initial contribution imposed from the client.

    Legal Aid Queensland will deduct any assessed initial contribution (less GST) from the payments of professional fees, or outlays to be made to the practitioner.

    Retrospective contributions

    Pursuant to s 36 of Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997, a grant of aid can be made subject to a condition that the client pay a retrospective contribution towards the costs of providing legal assistance.

    When money and/or property is recovered as a result of a legally aided action, Legal Aid Queensland has a first charge on the money/property for its costs and outlays.

    When money and/or property comes into possession or control of the legally aided person's practitioner, they must retain possession or control of that money until a determination has been made regarding the amount payable.

    The practitioner must immediately notify Legal Aid Queensland when a matter concludes and provide a copy of the order or agreement.

    A tax invoice will issue to the practitioner advising of the amount payable. The practitioner will be advised in writing if no contribution is payable.

    Last updated 16 June 2017