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    Where a service provider is required to travel and stay overnight, reasonable accommodation expenses will be paid. The following tests must be satisfied:

    • aid has been provided for the substantive matter.

    Where a practitioner seeks to claim more than an additional 150% of the standard rate, the request is determined by a senior grants officer.


    Preferred suppliers or in-house practitioners

    Practitioners seeking an extension of aid for accommodation, should electronically submit an extension for aid request via the Grants Online system prior to incurring accommodation costs.

    Where an extension of aid is required for accommodation for counsel or another service provider, the instructing solicitor should electronically submit an extension for aid request via the Grants Online system.


    The fees issued for accommodation are fixed fees. Accommodation rates include meals.

    Where the standard accommodation fee is insufficient to secure accommodation due to the accommodation rates in a remote or rural area approval may be sought from Legal Aid Queensland to claim the actual cost of accommodation and meals (‘actuals’) rather than the standard accommodation rate.

    Accommodation or travel time/travel expenses

    If a legal practitioner is required to be absent from their usual place of business over night, Legal Aid Queensland will consider whether it is more cost effective to provide accommodation or travel time and expenses. Legal Aid Queensland will pay the most cost effective method.

    Counsel accommodation

    Accommodation will only be approved for counsel when local counsel are unable to act. Where counsel are briefed for circuit work no prior approval is required for counsel to stay overnight and claim travel and accommodation expenses where it is reasonable to expect they stay overnight in order to fulfil court commitments.

    Grant(s) of aid

    The grant of aid for overnight accommodation - capital city is ACM1

    The grant of aid for overnight accommodation - non-capital city is ACM2

    Last updated 4 February 2019