Travel by public transport

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    For legal aid to be granted to cover the costs of public transport the following tests must be satisfied:

    • the applicant has been provided aid for the substantive matter, and
    • the practitioner is required to travel, and
    • travel is undertaken in the most economic manner possible or the costs requested are the most cost effective option, and
    • the distance to be travelled by the service provider is more than a 35 kilometres single round trip from the service provider’s office to the location (court, tribunal, conference venue, home visit, site visit etc).

    Requests for interstate travel are referred to the Assistant Director Grants for determination.


    Extension of aid requests received from preferred suppliers or in-house practitioners

    Practitioners seeking an extension of aid for travel by public transport, should electronically submit an extension for aid request via the Grants Online system prior to travelling.

    Grant(s) of aid

    The grants of aid for travel by public transport are as follows:

    • Criminal law
      • COT - solicitors
      • BOT - counsel
    • Family law
      • FOT - solicitors
      • BOT - counsel
    • Civil law
      • GOT - solicitors
      • BOT - counsel

    Review of decisions

    A decision to refuse legal aid for this type of matter may be appealed to the external review officer (refer to review of decisions).

    Last updated 17 March 2020