Our finances
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial management
Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) applies contemporary financial practices commensurate with a statutory authority accountable to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice.
More specifically, LAQ must ensure that:
- compliance with statutory and other financial obligations is maintained
- financial risks are effectively managed and recorded
- preferred supplier agreements are in place for all matters referred to private practitioners
- contributions levied on clients are accurately assessed, recorded and collected
- expenditure and payments are properly authorised
- procurement practices are consistent with government expectations
- costs are fairly distributed to state and federal programs
- assets are appropriately identified and recorded and are adequately controlled and safeguarded
- liabilities are appropriately authorised and only incurred for authorised purposes
- sufficient current assets are maintained to cover current liabilities
- all taxation obligations are met
- statutory reporting is completed in an accurate and timely manner and is facilitated by a robust audit trail.
Last updated 21 April 2022