What is Blurred Borders Queensland? (Video)
What is Blurred Borders Queensland?
[Thumbnail description before the video starts]
What is Blurred Borders Queensland?
Explains legal concepts and processes in a simple way, including:
- bail
- criminal law and youth justice
[Audio description] Upbeat music is playing in the background for the duration of the video
[First frame description] Blurred Borders Queensland logo, Legal Aid Queensland logo, the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag are visible.
What is Blurred Borders Queensland?
A set of legal communication tools to be used with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- uses visual art
- simple and plain language
- story telling cards
Explains legal concepts and processes in a simple way, including:
- bail
- criminal law and youth justice
- family and domestic violence
Adapted from award-winning Legal Aid WA Blurred Borders project
Supports genuine two-way communication with:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders communities
- young people
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- people with disability
- people with low literacy
Who are the tools for?
- Frontline workers
- Service and referral providers
- Legal assistance sector
- Justice sector agencies
How are they used?
- To provide information about legal concepts and processes
- Referrals to other service providers
- Legal advice, duty lawyer services, legal representation
- Community legal education activities
The resources can help people to:
- Understand the law and their legal rights
- Communicate more effectively about the law
- Make informed legal choices
- Actively participate in legal processes
- Seek help for legal problems
- People understand criminal law and domestic and family violence processes
- Reduces barriers in the criminal justice system and improves compliance with court orders and bail conditions
- Better legal outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other clients
- Services delivered are culturally safe, responsive and accessible
- Best practice communication tool to support frontline service providers
What's in the resource kit?
- Story cards with pictures and plain language to explain legal concepts
- Wallet cards with stickers to give to clients
- Process map to help deliver information
- User manual with scenarios and practical tips
Training provided on how to use the tools successfully
All resource kits and training are FREE!
Last updated 17 November 2023