Children and the criminal justice system

The law for young people aged under 18 who are in trouble with the police is changing.

Getting legal advice

You may need legal advice if you:

  • have been asked to take part in a police interview
  • have been charged with an offence
  • are going to a youth justice conference
  • are going to court.

Youth Legal Advice Hotline

Young people can call 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527) to talk to a lawyer and get free and confidential legal advice about:

  • legal rights
  • bail
  • diversionary options
  • getting legal representation
  • being charged with an offence
  • applying for legal aid
  • concerns about talking to the police and
  • other youth justice issues.

Call the Youth Legal Advice Hotline:

  • Monday to Thursday 8am to 9pm or
  • Friday 8am to Sunday 5pm (except for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day).

Unless a police officer knows the child has arranged for a lawyer to be present during questioning, or has spoken to a lawyer acting for the child, the police officer must:

  • inform the child that a legal aid representative will be notified the child is being kept in custody for an offence
  • as soon as it is reasonably possible (and before questioning starts), notify, or try to notify a legal aid representative that the child is in custody.

The following organisations may be able to give you legal advice.

  • Youth Advocacy Centre has a community legal and social welfare service for young people aged up to 18 years.
  • Lawmail is a legal advice service for young people giving free legal advice to people under 18 via email.
  • YFS Legal gives legal information, advice and representation in criminal law matters to young people 25 years or younger.
  • Community legal centres give legal advice on a range of topics.
  • Queensland Law Society can refer you to a specialist private solicitor for advice or representation.

Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.

Last updated 26 February 2025