Voting and jury duty


We don't give legal advice about this area of law, unless you have been charged with an offence for not voting – see Criminal law cases in the Magistrates Court

The information below may help you to resolve your matter or find out who else can help. 

Who can give me information about enrolling to vote and voting procedures?

The Electoral Commission Queensland can assist you with enquiries about enrolments and voting procedures for the Queensland State elections.

The Australian Electoral Commission can help you with enquiries about enrolments and voting procedures in Federal Elections.

Jury duty

We don't give legal advice about this area of law, unless you have been charged with an offence for not attending for jury duty – see Criminal law cases in the Magistrates Court

The information below may help you to resolve your matter or find out who else can help.

Do I need legal advice?

You may need legal advice if you

  • have to go to court because you didn't vote in a federal election
  • are in trouble because you didn't turn up for jury duty without being excused
  • have been told by your employer that you will be sacked if you attend jury duty.

Get legal advice

Legal Aid Queensland may give legal advice if you have been charged with an offence for not voting or not attending for jury duty.

The following organisations may also be able to provide you with legal advice.

Community legal centres may give free preliminary legal advice and information on some criminal law matters. Most CLCs do not provide legal representation. Check with your closest CLC whether they can assist with your matter.

Queensland Law Society can refer you to a specialist private solicitor who can provide advice and representation.

Who else can help?

These organisations may also be able to help with your matter. They do not provide legal advice.

Australian Bureau of Statistics provides a high quality, objective national statistical service used by governments and the community.

Australian Electoral Commission conducts federal elections, referendums and maintains the commonwealth electoral roll. 

Electoral Commission Queensland runs Queensland elections and maintains the state electoral roll.

Queensland Courts give information on a range of courts and provide an Information for jurors guide for people called to jury duty.

Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.

Last updated 18 July 2023