In this section
Find out what is domestic violence (DV), who can apply for a DV protection order and your legal rights.
Find out all you need to know about a family dispute resolution conference, including how it works, where to find it, who is involved and its benefits.
Find out everything you need to know about using the Property Arbitration Program after a relationship breakdown, including how it works, eligibility requirements and cost.
Find out how child protection laws and the Childrens Court impact families and help keep children safe.
Find out what to expect when you go the Childrens Court, including how a hearing works, who attends and what language is used.
Learn about social assessment reports, including how information is gathered, used and assessed, and how to respond to report recommendations.
Learn about family reports, including how information is gathered, used and assessed, and how to respond.
Read all you need to know about communicating with the Childrens Court, including what information to provide, who attends the hearing and how to access support.
Learn about separate representatives and what help they provide during child protection matters before the Childrens Court.
Find out everything you need to know about child support payments and where to get help.
General information about your rights and responsibilities when caring for a child if you are their grandparent.
Information about your legal rights and what help is available when you are in care.
Find out what happens when parents go to court and if children need to be involved.
General information to help you decide whether you should help with supervision.
General information about the role of the Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL).
General information about what legal help is available if you are in prison.
How do I recover unpaid child support?
Collecting and enforcing child support Information for receiving parents
Information to help you with general insurance claims.
General information about bushfires and making an insurance claim.
General information about our Farm and Rural Legal Service.
General information about what help is available if you have money and debt problems.
General information about our criteria for granting legal aid.
General information about getting help with your legal problem.
General information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about getting help for your legal problem.
This factsheet will help you prepare for your domestic violence application hearing.
If you’re participating in a family dispute resolution conference you might want to bring a family member, friend or colleague with you to support you through the conference process.
This document is about how you can get legal help, written in an easy to read way.
Information about your right to appeal Centrelink's decision to raise a debt.
Separation certificates and waiting periods
Preparing your evidence for a domestic and family violence hearing
My discrimination complaint is going to conciliation.
Going to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal or the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Counselling Notes Protect
Everything you need to know about how conferences work under our lawyer-assisted mediation pilot
Everything you need to know about how property arbitration works under our property program.
Torres Strait Islander families have traditional adoption andchild raising practices called Ailan Kastom child rearing practice. Under Ailan Kastom child rearing practice, a child’s biological (birth) parents may agree for another couple (the cultural parents) within their extended family to permanently raise their biological child as the cultural parents’ own.
General information about being involved in a child protection court case if you're not the parent or guardian
Answering your questions about child support and proving paternity
The police have the following options to deal with a minordrugs offence instead of bringing you to court, read more here.
If you are 18 or older, you can get free and confidential legal advice about drug diversion on the Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line on 1300 004 924, read more here.
General information to help you understand what happens when your parents go to court.