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In this section
Learn all about domestic violence orders (DVO), how to access urgent help, where to lodge a DVO application and what is involved when you go to court.
Learn about consent orders, parenting orders and parenting plans, how to lodge an application, what to consider when making an agreement and where to access help.
Find out the legal options available for responding to a domestic violence order (DVO) application, what is the meaning of certain legal phrases and words and where to access help.
Find out how family law impacts decisions about separation and divorce, domestic violence, dispute resolution, children and dividing property and where to access help.
Learn how the Magistrate Court works, what happens at a hearing, who can help with your plea, when penalties apply and the meaning of legal phrases and words.
Learn how to appeal against a criminal conviction or sentence, where to get legal help and if you’re eligible for legal aid.
Find out how to apply for bail in the Supreme Court, what options are available to judges when making bail decisions, how to change your bail conditions and where to access legal help.
Find out what is cyberbullying, who can help victims of sexting and imaged-based abuse and what can happen when mobile device and social media laws are breached.
Find out who pays for damages after a car accident and how to take legal action or make a claim in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Find out about work licences, how to apply for a work licence or special hardship order and what is required when you go to court.
Find out how to remove a driver licence disqualification, what information is needed by the magistrates court and when you can apply.
Find out how to lodge an insurance claim, what you can do when a claim is rejected and where to access help.
Find out what are your legal rights when buying goods and services, how to resolve disputes with traders and whether you can receive a refund.
Find out what is a minor debt, where to lodge a minor debt application and how to prepare for a mediation hearing.
Find out all about car purchasing contracts, cooling-off periods, contract cancellations, car loans, warranties, comprehensive insurance and resolving disputes.
Find out what are your options when you can’t repay a loan, what lenders can do to recover their money and how your credit rating can be affected.
Find out what are your options when you have an ABSTUDY debt, how to request a review by Centrelink and the Administrative Review Tribunal and where to submit an application.