In this section
A video series for new arrivals with basic English language skills, which explains the most common legal issues experienced by migrants and refugees in Australia.
A video series produced by Queensland Courts, which explains how to apply for a domestic violence order and what is the court process.
A video series on separation which explores topics such as domestic violence, property and money, children and parenting, resolving disputes and getting legal help.
This presentation provides legal information on the options and services available for couples going through separation.
Find out how to run a Do Not Knock legal education session, where to access training resources and what help is available.
The 2012 Law Week Hypothetical examines what domestic violence is and helps distinguish the myths from the facts.
The Law week 2011 hypothetical explores the challenges faced by people with intellectual disability in Queensland's justice system.
The Law week 2010 hypothetical explores Queensland's Drug Court program and drug diversion sentencing options.
The Law week 2009 hypothetical explores the current response of our criminal justice, education and community services to the over-representation of Indigenous people in our justice system.
The Law week 2008 hypothetical explores the response of our criminal justice, health, education and community services to a juvenile offender with behavioural issues.
The Law week 2007 hypothetical explores the myriad factors considered when sentencing an offender charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death.