Law week 2008 hypothetical

'2012 Law Week Hypothetical' DVD image

You break into a house with a group of mates. The owner confronts you and, in the confusion, someone attacks him and he later dies in hospital. Who will be charged with his death? Will you go to jail? How long will you get? Would it make a difference if you were 16 or 17?

Join moderator Julie McCrossin and a panel of experts for a lively yet informative discussion about how we deal with juveniles who break the law.

The 2008 Law Week hypothetical will give you the chance to be the judge. After hearing all the facts of the case, what sentence would you deliver?

Julie — radio broadcaster, TV personality, print journalist and professional MC — will guide the panel and audience through a scenario, exploring the current response of our criminal justice, health, education and community services to a juvenile offender with behavioural issues.

You’ll get the chance to ask questions, make comments and learn more about our justice system and the issues that confront our schools, hospitals and community services.

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Produced by Legal Aid Queensland.

If you have trouble viewing the presentation online or would like further information, please contact us.

Last updated 14 November 2016