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For free legal help:
Legal Aid Queensland
Phone 1300 65 11 88 (for the cost of a local call from a landline in Australia)
Community Legal Centres Queensland
Phone 07 3392 0092
Or look under “Community Legal Centres” in your local phone book.
For information about licences and registration:
Transport and Main Roads
Phone 13 23 80
If you need an interpreter to help you contact a service phone TIS 131 450
Activity sheets for this story:
Video transcript
Title: driving
Ram: Hey Raja! Look at my new car.
Raja: Wow! It’s good man! When did you get your licence?
Ram: I still got my licence from my home country.
Raja: Well you want a job?
Ram: Sure.
Raja: Now that you have a car, you can do some deliveries for me. Come on Monday morning.
Ram: OK. I’ll get a GPS!
Ram: You like our new car?
children together: Yeah!
Ram: No more carrying heavy bags Lakshmi! And I’ll be working Monday!
Lakshmi: Hey, what’s that police car doing?
Ram: Oh, I don’t know, but I better stop.
Police officer (car stopping sound): Can I see your licence?
Ram: Here you are.
Police officer: This licence isn’t valid here. It’s an offence to drive without a valid licence. You’ll get a letter and you’ll have to go to court about this.
Ram: Court?
Police officer: And your car isn’t registered.
Ram: But I just bought it!
Police officer: Well, you have to register the car before you can take it on the road. And the kids aren’t in child seats. I will have to give you a fine. Make sure you pay by the due date.
Ram: How can I pay these fines? I don’t understand!
Police officer: If you don’t understand you can go and get free legal advice from Legal Aid. And...you can’t drive until you get the proper licence and register the car.
Raja: Where’s your car?
Ram: I can’t drive until I get an Australian licence... and I have to go to court!
Raja: Court. Oh no!
Ram: And I have to pay so much money in fines!
Raja: Well, bad luck! No car no job... Come and see me when your problems are fixed.
Last updated 18 June 2020