Dealing with door to door sales—do not knock campaign

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    Dealing with door-to-door salespeople can be stressful. People can feel pressured into entering into contracts without fully understanding the consequences. Older people and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities are particularly vulnerable.

    Legal Aid Queensland supports this campaign.

    Short film: Dealing with door-to-door sales

    This educational film, Dealing with door-to-door sales, is ideal for legal education sessions.

    The film is in two parts. Part one tells the story of Marcello and his encounter with a door-to-door salesperson. In part two, a Legal Aid lawyer talks about Marcello’s experience and what he might have done differently.

    The film, produced by Victoria Legal Aid, supports a wider Do not knock campaign started by the Consumer Action Law Centre, then developed further by the Footscray Community Legal Centre and other legal centres. The campaign aims to stop people from entering into contracts that are not in their financial interests. It empowers people to report breaches of the rules that govern door-to-door sales.

    View dealing with door-to-door sales—part 1

    View dealing with door-to-door sales—part 2

    How to run a Do not knock community legal education session

    A ‘how to’ guide has been produced that covers the basic steps required to deliver effective and engaging sessions that can be tailored to target groups, including:

    • older people
    • disability groups
    • culturally diverse groups and newly arrived communities
    • other vulnerable community members
    • people who work with these various communities.

    The guide includes resources and speakers’ notes.

    See How to run a Do not knock community legal education session on the Do not knock website.

    For more information

    Do not knock — campaign website

    Door-to-door sales and telemarketing — Office of Fair Trading, Queensland

    Know your rights when a salesperson knocks — Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

    Do not knock stickers

    Where can I get help?

    Legal Aid Queensland

    Phone: 1300 65 11 88

    Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

    Phone: 1800 062 058

    Office of Fair Trading

    Phone: 13 74 68


    Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland

    Phone: 1800 662 837
    Email: or

    Last updated 1 June 2022