Domestic and family violence duty lawyer

The domestic and family violence duty lawyer is a free lawyer who may be able to help if you're appearing in court to apply for or respond to a domestic violence protection order.

The domestic and family violence duty lawyer can give you free legal information and advice (on your court date) and may be able to represent you in court (in certain situations). Find out when the domestic and family violence duty lawyer is available.

If there's violence or if you or your children have been threatened, get help from the police. Call 000 in an emergency or if you think you're in danger.

The domestic and family violence duty lawyer can only help you on your specific court date. If you need help before or after your court date, contact Legal Aid Queensland, a community legal centre or a private lawyer.

You can also get help and support from other domestic and family violence services.

Getting help from the domestic and family violence duty lawyer

The domestic and family violence duty lawyer is a free lawyer who may be able to help if you’re appearing in court to apply for or respond to a domestic violence protection order.

The domestic and family law duty lawyer may not necessarily appear with you in court (unless you have a specific need), but they can still help you by:

  • discussing your situation and available options
  • giving you free legal information and advice
  • explaining what will happen in court
  • helping you with court forms or documents
  • helping you complete a Legal Aid Queensland application form
  • discussing your eligibility for ongoing representation from Legal Aid Queensland
  • referring you to other organisations who may be able to help
  • referring you for legal advice, help and representation (if eligible) for related family law and child protection issues.

You don't have to book to see the domestic and family violence duty lawyer, but you should check if they're available at the court you're attending and on your court date. If you need legal help, you should arrive early to the court (on your court date) and ask to see the domestic and family violence duty lawyer.

Note: The domestic and family violence duty lawyer can only help on the day you're appearing in court. For example, if your court date is on a Tuesday, you can't get help from the duty lawyer before Tuesday. They can't help if your matter isn't listed in the court on that specific day.

Make sure you bring all your court documents with you. Without them, the domestic and family law duty lawyer can only give you limited help.

Let the domestic and family violence duty lawyer know if you need extra help— for example, if you've experienced domestic or family violence, or you need an interpreter, have difficulty reading or writing, or have a disability.

Domestic and family violence duty lawyer service schedule

Magistrates Court location

Days duty lawyer service is available

Badu Island

See court calendar


Thursday – every 2 months


Monday to Thursday

Boigu Island

See court calendar


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday






Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday




Monday, once a month

Darnley Island

See court calendar



Hervey Bay


Holland Park



Monday, Tuesday

Mabuiag Island

See court calendar





Mer Island

See court calendar

Moa Island

See court calendar


See court calendar

Mount Isa


Palm Island

Every second Wednesday

Pine Rivers


Poruma Island

See court calendar






Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Saibai Island

See court calendar




Monday to Friday

Thursday Island

Monday – every 2 months





Warraber Island

See court calendar

Yam Island

See court calendar

Yeppoon Thursday (afternoon)

Yorke Island

See court calendar

Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service and the Application Assistance Program

The Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service and the Application Assistance Program are free and confidential services available at the Brisbane Magistrates Court for domestic and family violence matters—including applying for, or responding to a domestic violence protection order. Find out more.

Get legal advice

While the domestic and family violence duty lawyer may be able to help you specifically on your court date, Legal Aid Queensland may be able to help with domestic and family violence matters including advice if:

  • you or your children are at risk of domestic or family violence or abuse
  • you need help to work out a plan to leave a relationship safely
  • you want to apply for a domestic violence protection order
  • someone has applied for a domestic violence protection order against you
  • you have been issued with a police protection notice
  • police have made an application for a domestic violence protection order against you or your partner
  • you want to change a domestic violence protection order
  • you had to leave your home because of violence but your name is still on the lease
  • you had an order interstate or overseas and want to register it in Queensland
  • the police have applied for a domestic violence protection order on your behalf and you don't agree with the conditions the police are seeking on your behalf .

Contact us for help.

The following organisations may be able to give you legal advice.

Women's Legal Service gives free legal advice to women on areas of law including domestic violence and family law.

Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Services give legal and counselling services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples suffering from the direct and indirect effects of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Family Relationship Advice Line is a free national telephone service giving help to families affected by relationship or separation issues, including parents, grandparents, children, young people, step-parents and friends.

Community legal centres give legal advice on a range of topics. Contact them to find out if they can help with your matter.

Queensland Law Society can refer you to a specialist private lawyer for advice or representation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (ATSILS) — may be able to give legal representation and advice on family law matters for Indigenous people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Legal and Advocacy Service (ATSIWLAS) gives legal help and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in all areas of law.

The North Queensland Women's Legal Service in Cairns and Townsville gives legal advice to women about family law, sexual harassment, discrimination, domestic and family violence and child protection.

Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia is a not-for-profit, independent, community based advocacy and education service supporting and improving the well-being of older people and people with disabilities.

Who else can help?

These organisations may be able to help. They don’t give legal advice.

Queensland Police Service responds to emergency situations (e.g. if there is violence or you or your children have been threatened). If you think you’re in immediate danger, call 000.

Centacare Family and relationship services, DV assistance program gives court-based support to people (mainly women) within the community who experience domestic and family violence and appear in Beenleigh Magistrates Courts for Domestic and Family Violence Court Mentions.

DVConnect gives counselling, information, referrals and help including refuge and shelter placement and crisis intervention to people affected by domestic violence. They also manage the Pets in crisis project arranging foster care for pets while people affected by domestic violence are in temporary accommodation.

1800 RESPECT provides crisis and trauma counselling services to anyone whose life has been impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mensline (DVConnect) is a free, confidential telephone counselling, referral and support service for men.

Women's Infolink gives free and confidential information and referral services about government agencies and community services supporting women.

Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services is the government department responsible for protecting children and young people from harm or who are at risk of harm, and whose parents cannot provide adequate care or protection for them.

Centrelink can give you information about family payments, the family tax benefit, and how your payments may be affected by changes to child support arrangements.

Immigrant Women's Support Service offers free confidential, practical and emotional support to immigrant and refugee women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their children who have experienced domestic or sexual violence.

Men and Family Relationship Counselling Service provides services including domestic violence prevention counselling.

Family Relationship Centres give information, referrals, dispute resolution and advice on parenting after separation.

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia deals with family law cases. Court forms and information on family court processes are available online.

Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.

Last updated 25 January 2023