Application Package for 2024-2027 Preferred Supplier Agreement

The application package for the 2024-2027 preferred supplier agreement is now available on our website.

The current Legal Aid Queensland preferred supplier agreement will expire on 31 July 2024 and the new agreement will commence on 1 August 2024. Existing firms that want to continue as a preferred supplier after this date will need to reapply for inclusion as a preferred supplier. Application for inclusion on the preferred supplier panel is also open to new firms.

There are two application packages, depending on whether you are an existing preferred supplier or a firm that does not have a current preferred supplier agreement:

  1. Existing preferred supplier renewal application

An existing preferred supplier has a 2021-2024 preferred supplier agreement. This agreement expires on 31 July 2024. Existing firms that want to continue as a preferred supplier after this date will need to reapply for inclusion.

Existing preferred suppliers must complete:

We have made some changes to the preferred supplier agreement and these are outlined in the Schedule of Changes.

Email your completed application to by close of business on Wednesday 17 July 2024.

  1. New preferred supplier application

New firms wanting to become preferred suppliers (or existing preferred suppliers wanting to add a new office location) must complete:

There is no closing date for new preferred supplier applications.

Email your completed application to

We will let all applicants know of their application’s outcome once we have made a decision.

For more information, visit our website or contact the Coordinator, Preferred Supplier Strategy on: