Preferred supplier newsletter—October 2019

This month:

  • Upcoming LAQ outage affecting preferred suppliers
  • Upcoming CPD events

Upcoming LAQ Outage affecting preferred suppliers

LAQ’s Information Technology Services will be performing disaster recovery testing on Saturday 2 November from 8am to 6pm to examine the capability of IT Services to protect, retrieve and restore applications in the event of a disaster.

You will need to log out of Grants Online before the testing starts and emails sent to any LAQ email addresses during that time will fail. The LAQ website will also be unavailable during these times.

Upcoming CPD events

The following CPD events were rescheduled to November. Please refer to their updated details below:

Bail 101 (and how to structure your submissions)—7 November 2019

Presenter: Mark Schofield, Assistant Director (Criminal Law) and Caroline Hunter, Principal Lawyer (Solicitor Advocates 1)

Webinar access external to LAQ: Register and join the webinar live on any device

Date: Thursday 7 November 2019

Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm

CPD point allocation: 1 point, professional skills, self-assessed

Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)

Dangerous Prisoner 101—19 November 2019

Presenter: Leigh Smith, Principal lawyer & Bradley Heilbronn, Principal lawyer

Webinar access external to LAQ: Register and join the webinar live on any device

Date: Tuesday 19 November 2019

Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm

CPD point allocation: 1 point, professional skills, self-assessed

Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)

For other CPD events coming up in November and February, please refer to the CPD events section on the For Lawyers page on the Legal Aid Queensland website.