Preferred supplier newsletter—September 2019
This month:
- Youth practitioner certification update
- Caxton Legal Centre’s Men’s Bail Support Program
- Grants of aid financial management inquiries (payment of accounts/retrospective contributions/appeals cost board matters etc)
- Upcoming CPD events
Youth practitioner certification update
Training has now been opened up to prosecutors, ATSILS, Youth Justice and community services however there is still time to enrol. Places have all been filled in some locations (Gold Coast, Brisbane, Townsville, Ipswich, Toowoomba).
LAQ plans to hold additional training sessions in these regions and will advise of details as soon as possible. If this is the case and you would still like to enrol, please contact Dylan Roberts on (07) 3917 0335 or to be placed on the waiting list.
Note — a new session has been scheduled for Brisbane on 19 November 2019. If you previously registered for a webinar because there were no face-to-face tickets available, please feel free to cancel your webinar registration and re-enrol in the new session.
Dates and locations
* Denotes webinar session
Caboolture — Wednesday 9 October, Caboolture Hub (max 30 participants)
Ipswich — Friday 11 October, Ipswich Magistrates Court (max 30 participants)
Greater Brisbane* — Tuesday 15 October, Brisbane Supreme Court Library (max 40 participants + Webinar attendees)
Greater Brisbane* — Wednesday 16 October, Brisbane Supreme Court Library (max 40 participants + Webinar attendees)
Mackay — Wednesday 23 October, Mackay Youth Justice (max 25 participants)
Rockhampton — Thursday 24 October, Rockhampton Youth Justice (max 30 participants)
Greater Brisbane* — Friday 25 October, Brisbane Supreme Court Library (max 40 participants + Webinar attendees)
Hervey Bay — Wednesday 30 October, Wide Bay Dispute Resolution Centre (max 25 participants)
Bundaberg — Thursday 31 October, Bundaberg Civic Centre (max 30 participants)
Sunshine Coast — Friday 1 November, Maroochydore Magistrates Court (max 30 participants)
Mount Isa — Wednesday 6 November, Mount Isa Magistrates Court (max 30 participants)
Townsville — Friday 8 November, Cowboys Leagues Club (max 30 participants)
Kingaroy — Thursday 14 November, Kingaroy RSL (max 30 participants)
Toowoomba — Friday 15 November, Toowoomba Magistrates Court (max 30 participants)
Greater Brisbane — Tuesday 19 November, Brisbane Supreme Court Library (max 40 participants)
Gold Coast — Thursday 21 November, Southport Magistrates Court (max 30 participants)
Cairns — Thursday 28 November, Stratford Library (max 30 participants)
Caxton Legal Centre’s Men’s Bail Support Program
Caxton Legal Centre’s Bail Support Program is funded to assist men on remand at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, Brisbane Correctional Centre and Woodford Correctional Centre to apply for bail. The program is staffed by lawyers and social workers.
The lawyers visit men on remand, assess their eligibility for the Bail Support Program and, if eligible, prepare and appear on bail applications. The social workers work with the client and lawyers to obtain supports necessary for a successful bail application and also provide support to the men post release to assist with compliance with bail conditions.
On their first visit with men on remand, the lawyers:
- introduce the program and explain that they need further information before informing the man whether they can assist with a bail application
- determine whether the man on remand has legal representation in relation to his criminal matters.
If the man on remand has legal representation but would still like the bail support program to conduct a review to determine whether he is eligible for Caxton’s assistance with a bail application, they will obtain a signed authority from the man to allow their lawyers to contact the lawyer with carriage of the man’s criminal matters to discuss the matter and obtain further documentation.
Legal Aid preferred suppliers may be contacted by the Bail Support Program seeking information about a client. The Bail Support Program will not assist a man on remand to apply for bail if a Legal Aid preferred supplier has a grant of aid to apply for bail. The Bail Support Program cannot assist with substantive criminal matters.
The Bail Support Program will accept client referrals from legal practitioners. If you would like more information about the Bail Support Program or if you would like to refer a client, please contact Caxton Legal Centre at or on (07) 3181 5646.
Grants of aid financial management inquiries (payment of accounts/retrospective contributions/appeals cost board matters etc)
All inquiries relating to payment of accounts, retrospective contributions and appeals cost board matters should be made directly to the Compliance and Financial Management Team at or on (07) 3917 0996.
Upcoming CPD events
Ethics: Dealing with witnesses—9 October 2019
Presenter: Stafford Shepherd, Director, QLS Ethics and Practice Centre
Webinar access external to LAQ: Register and join the webinar live on any device
Date: Wednesday 9 October 2019
Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm
CPD point allocation: 1 point, practical legal ethics, self-assessed
Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)
Commonwealth Offences and Sentence—15 October 2019
Presenter: Aimee Sanderson, Acting principal federal prosecutor, Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Date: Tuesday 15 October 2019
Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm
CPD point allocation: 1 point, substantive law, self-assessed
Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)
Please note this event is not being recorded and is not available by webinar.
Dangerous Prisoner 101—17 October 2019
Presenter: Leigh Smith, Principal lawyer & Bradley Heilbronn, Principal lawyer
Webinar access external to LAQ: Register and join the webinar live on any device
Date: Thursday 17 October 2019
Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm
CPD point allocation: 1 point, professional skills, self-assessed
Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)
Social Media and the Law: Status Quo—31 October 2019
Presenter: Jemma Golding-Wallace, Solicitor, General - Crime and James Wallace, Partner – Wallace O’Hagan Lawyers
Webinar access external to LAQ: Register and join the webinar live on any device
Date: Thursday 31 October 2019
Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm
CPD point allocation: 1 point, practise management and business skills, self-assessed
Venue: Ground floor auditorium, Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane. (Register here to attend in person)
For other CPD events coming up in November, please refer to the CPD events section on the For Lawyers page on the Legal Aid Queensland website.