Preferred supplier update — October 2022
This month:
FCFCOA Expansion of the Lighthouse model - Update to the Legal Profession
Following the recent Federal Budget and approved funding allocations, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) (Divisions 1 and 2) have been working on the expansion of the Lighthouse model to 15 family law registries.
The FCFCOA website contains an update and factsheet regarding the expansion of the Lighthouse model, a world-leading innovation in the risk screening, triage and assessment of family law matters.
From 28 November 2022, the Courts will roll out the Lighthouse model to Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Canberra, Dandenong, Darwin, Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne, Newcastle, Parramatta, Rockhampton, Sydney, Townsville, and Wollongong in both parenting and parenting/financial cases.
The Lighthouse model involves three interconnected processes:
- Risk Screening: Parties filing an eligible Initiating Application or Response, will be asked to complete the Family DOORS Triage risk screen via a confidential and secure online platform. This has been developed specifically for the Courts and can be completed safely and conveniently from any device: computer, mobile phone or tablet. Assistance can also be provided by the Lighthouse Team to complete.
- Triage: The Lighthouse Team, a dedicated, specialised team, will assess and direct cases into the most appropriate case management pathway based on the level of risk. The team is made up of highly skilled Judicial Registrars, Triage Counsellors (psychologists/ social workers acting in the role of Family Counsellor), and support staff with detailed knowledge in family violence and family safety risks. The team will triage matters and identify parties who may require additional support and safety measures. This may include online referrals or interviews with those most at risk.
- Case Management: Those matters with the highest levels of risk will be referred to be placed on the Evatt List, the specialist court list developed and designed to assist those families that have been identified as being at high risk of family violence and other safety concerns. The Evatt List focuses on early information gathering and intervention from the very commencement of proceedings. The team has specialised training and is experienced in working with families where high risk safety issues have been identified. Lower risk cases will be considered for a range of case management pathways, including dispute resolution, in accordance with the level of risk and the Central Practice Direction – Family Law Case Management.
The Courts will be releasing a series of updates to the profession over the coming weeks in advance of the commencement of the expanded model on 28 November 2022.
Recording and Transcription Newsletter
The October edition of the Recording and Transcription Newsletter is now available via the recording and transcription project page on the Department of Justice and Attorney-General website. The newsletter contains information on the stage 3 transition of Queensland Courts and Tribunals to the new recording and transcription service.
Publications and resources
Legal Aid Queensland produces a number of publications and resources, all of which can be viewed or ordered online. All publications and resources are free.
For more information about our publications or to order copies of the duty lawyer session report form email the publications team.
Continuing professional development
Recorded CPD seminars are available on Grants Online under the Information Resources tab.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates
The latest information about COVID-19 for preferred suppliers can be viewed here.
All people entering Queensland Courts are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask.
Preferred suppliers are reminded to ensure they are confident in their ability to respond to COVID-19 by understanding the risk, minimising it where possible and complying with government and court directions.
We welcome feedback and comments from clients, the community, and our suppliers. As preferred suppliers you play an important role in helping us to provide quality legal services to disadvantaged Queenslanders. If you would like to provide comments or suggestions to us about our services, policies, processes or staff members, you can complete a contact form or email us at at any time.
The Feedback and Complaints Policy can be found here.
Your feedback is important to us. We ensure a senior staff member investigates all issues thoroughly and we also analyse all feedback regularly to see which policies, processes and services can be improved.