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Domestic and family violence
Relationships and children
Criminal justice
Cars and driving
Work and money
Personal rights and safety
About Legal Aid Queensland
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Information for new arrivals to Queensland
Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme
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Our legal system. Information for women
Find out about the Australian legal system, how lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and what is Legal Aid Queensland.
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Our legal system. Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
Find out about the Australian legal system works, how lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and what is Legal Aid Queensland.
What are my rights if.....I want to separate from my partner?
Information about domestic violence, how lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and where to access refuge accommodation.
What are my rights if... I want to separate from my partner (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women)
Information about domestic violence, how lawyers can help you navigate the legal system and your lawful rights and responsibilities.
Domestic violence court support. We can help you
Find out what is domestic violence (DV), where to access DV court support and things to remember when appearing in court.
Applying for a domestic violence order. What happens in court?
Find out how to apply for a domestic violence order and what happens during a court mention.
Responding to a domestic violence order. What are my options?
Find out what are the options when you do and don’t appear in court to respond to a domestic violence order.
Protect yourself—abuse is wrong!
Wallet card
A 'Protect Yourself- Abuse Is Wrong' wallet card.
How do I get a domestic violence protection order?
Find out what is domestic violence (DV), who can apply for a DV protection order and your legal rights.
Responding to a domestic violence order application
Legal information guide
Find out the legal options available for responding to a domestic violence order (DVO) application, what is the meaning of certain legal phrases and words and where to access help.
Representing yourself at your domestic and family violence application hearing
Learn about domestic and family violence orders, what you need to get an order and how to prepare for a court hearing.
Completing an affidavit (aggrieved)
Find out how to complete an affidavit for a domestic and family violence hearing as an aggrieved individual, what the requirements are for serving an affidavit on someone and being a witness.
Completing an affidavit (respondents)
Find out how to complete an affidavit for a domestic and family violence hearing as a respondent individual, what the requirements are for serving an affidavit on someone and being a witness.
Protecting sexual assault counselling records
Find out about the Counselling Notes Protect service, how it protects sexual assault victims’ records, what is counselling and whether police can access your information.
How to apply for a domestic violence order
Learn all about domestic violence orders (DVO), how to access urgent help, where to lodge a DVO application and what is involved when you go to court.
Law for all podcast
Episode 1: Recognising financial control as part of family and domestic violence
Listen or download
Bringing a support person to a family dispute resolution conference
Find out how to take a support person to a family dispute resolution conference, what they can do while there and if they are eligible for legal aid.
Need help to sort out a family law problem?
Find out all you need to know about a family dispute resolution conference, including how it works, where to find it, who is involved and its benefits.
How will a separate representative help my child in their protection matter?
Learn about separate representatives and what help they provide during child protection matters before the Childrens Court.
Is a family report being prepared for your family law matter?
Learn about family reports, including how information is gathered, used and assessed and how to respond.
Having trouble dividing your property after a separation or divorce?
Find out everything you need to know about using the Property Arbitration Program after a relationship breakdown, including how it works, eligibility requirements and cost.
Do you have questions about a social assessment report?
Learn about social assessment reports, including how information is gathered, used and assessed and how to respond to report recommendations.
Organising child support and care arrangement for your children
Find out everything you need to know about child support payments and where to get help.
Child support, Family Tax Benefit and your child care levels
Do you have a grandchild in your care?
Learn about rights when caring for grandchildren and what financial support and legal aid is available.
Child protection and the Childrens Court
Find out how child protection laws and the Childrens Court impact families and help keep children safe.
Having your say in the Childrens Court. For young people in care
Read all you need to know about communicating with the Childrens Court, including what information to provide, who attends the hearing and how to access support.
What to expect when you go to the Childrens Court
Find out what to expect when you go the Childrens Court, including how a hearing works, who attends and what language is used.
Can I be involved in a child protection court case if I'm not the child's parent or guardian?
Find out how child protection court proceedings work, what magistrates consider when making decisions, how non-party participants can be involved and whether a lawyer can represent you.
What are your rights while in care?
Information about your legal rights and what help is available when you are in care.
Our service promise to children and young people
Read Legal Aid Queensland’s service promise to children and young people.
Deciding whether you should help with supervision
Find out what supervisors are responsible for when supervising a child and how to respond to safety concerns.
What happens when your parents go to court? (For children)
Find out what happens when parents go to court and if children need to be involved.
What happens when your parents go to court? (For teenagers)
Find out what the judge considers when your parents go to court, why what you say is important and what independent children’s lawyers do.
What is an Independent Children's Lawyer?
Learn about independent children’s lawyers, what they do in family law matters and how to respond when you’re unhappy with their service.
Collecting and enforcing child support. Information for receiving parents
Find out how the Department of Human Services collects child support payments and what you can do when an unpaid debt is not enforced.
How do I recover unpaid child support?
Find out how to recover unpaid child support payments, start court proceedings and access legal advice.
Answering your questions about child support and proving paternity
Find out why you must apply for child support payments to claim Centrelink family tax benefits and what to do if the child’s father won’t sign the birth certificate.
Consent orders, parenting orders and parenting plans
Learn about consent orders, parenting orders and parenting plans, how to lodge an application, what to consider when making an agreement and where to access help.
You and family law. A short guide
Find out how family law impacts decisions about separation and divorce, domestic violence, dispute resolution, children and dividing property and where to access help.
Your family law property arbitration
Find out about the Property Arbitration Program, how it works, the eligibility requirements and the processes and costs involved.
Your family law property conference
Find out about family law property conferences, the eligibility requirements, what is involved, why you should attend and the processes and costs involved.
Life after separation—putting the pieces back together
This presentation provides legal information on the options and services available for couples going through separation.
When separating
A video series on separation which explores topics such as domestic violence, property and money, children and parenting, resolving disputes and getting legal help.
Ailan Kastom child rearing practice in Torres Strait Islander families
Learn all about the Ailan Kastom child rearing practice in the Torres Strait Islands, how to apply for a cultural recognition order and what you can do when an application is unsuccessful.
Have you been charged with an offence? A guide to appearing in the Magistrates Court
Learn how the Magistrate Court works, what happens at a hearing, who can help with your plea, when penalties apply and the meaning of legal phrases and words.
Self-represented criminal appeals. A guide to appealing a conviction and/or sentence
Learn how to appeal against a criminal conviction or sentence, where to get legal help and if you’re eligible for legal aid.
Bail by mail. A guide for bail or varying bail if you have been charged with a crime in Queensland
Find out how to apply for bail in the Supreme Court, what options are available to judges when making bail decisions, how to change your bail conditions and where to access legal help.
Is it legal? What you need to know about using your phone and social media
Find out what is cyberbullying, who can help victims of sexting and imaged-based abuse and what can happen when mobile device and social media laws are breached.
Youth Legal Advice Hotline
Order an A3 poster promoting our Youth Legal Advice Hotline, operating hours and phone number.
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what legal help we provide to young people.
Are you in prison and need legal help?
Find out about the Prison Legal Advice Service and how to access legal help when you’re in prison.
Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line
Order an A3 poster promoting the Drug diversion Legal Advice Hotline, operating hours and phone number.
Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line for minor drug offences
Find out how to access the Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line (call 1300 004 924) for minor drug offences if you’re aged 18 or older and where to find Legal Aid Queensland.
Order a pack of 50 Legal Aid Queensland business cards promoting the Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line and contact number.
Police drug diversion for minor drug offences
Learn about the Police Drug Diversion Program, the eligibility requirements, how a diversion warning works and where to access legal advice.
Have you been in an accident? A guide to help you work out who pays for the damage
Find out who pays for damages after a car accident and how to take legal action or make a claim in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Are you going to lose your driver licence? Applying for a work licence or special hardship order
Find out about work licences, how to apply for a work licence or special hardship order and what is required when you go to court.
Buying a used car from a motor dealer. Your legal rights
Find out all about car purchasing contracts, cooling-off periods, contract cancellations, car loans, warranties, comprehensive insurance and resolving disputes.
Has your licence been disqualified for more than two years?
Find out how to remove a driver licence disqualification, what information is needed by the magistrates court and when you can apply.
Episode 2: Legal tips and pitfalls: buying a used car in Queensland
How do I ask for a review about my ABSTUDY debt?
Find out what are your options when you have an ABSTUDY debt, how to request a review by Centrelink and the Administrative Review Tribunal and where to submit an application.
Have you received a debt notice from Centrelink?
Find out what to do about a Centrelink debt notice and how to access help when a debt collector contacts you.
Free legal help for war veterans
Find out how Legal Aid Queensland helps war veterans and the eligibility requirements for grants of aid.
Need help with your money and debt problems?
Find out how Legal Aid Queensland can help you with finance problems related to mortgages, personal loans, high interest rates, contracts and phone, gas and electricity plans.
Need help getting an insurance claim paid?
Find out how to prepare an insurance claim, what insurance policies cover and the options available when you’re uninsured or underinsured.
The Farm and Rural Legal Service
Learn about the Farm and Rural Legal Service and how it can help you with severe debt-related problems and bank negotiations.
Bushfires and insurance claims
Find out everything you need to know about making a fire-related insurance claim and where to access help.
When disaster strikes—cyclones, storms and floods. A guide to getting your insurance claim paid
Find out how to lodge an insurance claim, what you can do when a claim is rejected and where to access help.
Does someone owe you money? A guide to help you claim a minor debt of $25,000 or less.
Find out what is a minor debt, where to lodge a minor debt application and how to prepare for a mediation hearing.
Consumer and trader disputes. A guide to help you resolve a dispute with a trader
Find out what are your legal rights when buying goods and services, how to resolve disputes with traders and whether you can receive a refund.
Applying for a Centrelink payment while you look for work
Find out all you need to know about a separation certificate and why Centrelink needs this to provide you with financial benefits while you’re looking for a job.
Are you struggling to pay a loan?
Find out what are your options when you can’t repay a loan, what lenders can do to recover their money and how your credit rating can be affected.
Episode 3: Dealing with insurance and damage when a disaster hits
My discrimination complaint was not resolved. What happens next?
Find out what to do if your conciliation conference was not resolved and you want to take your complaint to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) or the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC).
My discrimination complaint is going to conciliation
Find out what is a discrimination conciliation conference, how they help settle complaints and where to access support for unresolved issues.
Your legal rights. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders)
Find out how to access our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Line, confidential legal information and support services.
Are you looking for legal help?
Find out what legal help we provide and how to contact Legal Aid Queensland and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Line.
You have legal rights too! (young people)
Find out about the Youth Legal Advice Hotline and Legal Aid Queensland’s service promise to children and young people.
Need legal help? (Indigenous people)
A foldable wallet card with information about relationship abuse and how Legal Aid Queensland can help.
Need legal help? Ask Legal Aid Queensland
Order a Legal Aid Queensland business card outlining what help we provide.
Find out if you’re eligible for legal aid, what help we provide and how to access our services.
Need legal help? Ask Legal Aid Queensland (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on what legal aid we provide, where to find us and how to access our services.
Can I get legal aid?
Find out about our funding guidelines, how the means and merits tests are applied, if you are eligible for a grant of legal aid and how to lodge a legal aid application.
Get legal help - Easy English
Find out how to get legal help information in easy-to-understand English.
Need legal help? Ask Legal Aid Queensland (multilingual)
Find out what free services Legal Aid Queensland offers to translate its legal information and community services into multiple languages.
Access multilingual guides to learn about the help Legal Aid Queensland provides to our community.
What's the law?—Australian law for new arrivals
A video series for new arrivals with basic English language skills, which explains the most common legal issues experienced by migrants and refugees in Australia.
Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme. A lawyer’s guide
Learn about the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme and how it helps vulnerable Queenslanders deal with civil law matters, such as personal injury and losing a home.
Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme. A client's guide
Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.
Last updated 29 June 2022
If you have a general question for Legal Aid Queensland, please use the general question form or call 1300 65 11 88, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.