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In this section
The Grants Policy Manual sets out the Commonwealth and State priorities and guidelines and other matters relating to administering legal aid services in Queensland.
The Grants Handbook sets out procedures on how grants of legal aid are administered and guidelines are applied. It also gives legal practitioners details of the fees and payments available. The Grants Handbook is intended to be read in conjunction with the Grants Policy Manual.
Standards for staff and preferred suppliers practicing in civil, criminal and family law.
Information about best practice guidelines for lawyers working with people affected by domestic and family violence, sexual violence, children and young people, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Information about our equitable briefing practices and what strategies we have to improve the briefing practices of all service providers relating to female barristers.
Our committment to creating and sustaining a positive ethical climate with accountable behaviour.
How we contribute to the Queensland Government’s Open Data initiative.
How we give people who come from a non-English speaking background access to services and programs.
Information about our risk management policy.
Information about our priority policy areas.
Find out how you can access documents held on your file.
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that counsel engaged to represent clients in criminal law circuit court matters is the best available counsel for the client’s specific matter.
Criteria for barristers who want to become panel members.
Read our conflict of interest policy for grants of aid for criminal law co-defendants.