Farm and rural legal service

The Farm and Rural Legal Service gives help and advice to Queensland rural producers and rural based business who:

  • have severe debt related problems
  • are in dispute with their lenders
  • are facing financial hardship relating to their business or
  • have been issued with an enforcement action notice by their bank or financier.

The service is free for Queensland producers and rural businesses. No means or merits tests apply.

How can the Farm and Rural Legal Service help?

Farm and Rural Legal Service lawyers travel across Queensland to the most remote locations to give legal advice.

The service helps rural producers and rural based businesses on the farm, at a venue of the farmer's choice, at the place of business, at the local Legal Aid Queensland office or by telephone. We can also visit you at your farm or business, or we can also organise video or telephone conferences in some regions. Find out how to contact the Farm and Rural Legal Service.

If you're a Queensland rural producer or rural based business confronted with severe debt-related problems the Farm and Rural Legal Service can give advice on:

  • enforcement action notices
  • legal documents
  • legal processes
  • legal options
  • Queensland and Commonwealth laws including the Farm Business Debt Mediation Act 2017 (Qld), Farm Debt Mediation Act 1994 (NSW), and the Credit (Rural Finance) Act 1996 (Qld)
  • the conduct and actions of other parties.

The service can help with, or by:

  • writing letters on your behalf
  • giving written opinions
  • negotiating on your behalf
  • attending farm debt mediations
  • attending meetings with your bank
  • completing documents
  • referring you to other agencies, including rural financial counsellors, for help.

The service lawyers also:

  • works with other advisors, such as rural counsellors, agronomists, your accountant and private legal advisor
  • advocates for rural producers and businesses
  • addresses meetings on issues of current topical interest to rural producers as a part of community education
  • makes policy submissions on legal issues relating to the rural sector
  • reviews policy submissions made on rural legal issues

We don’t do conveyancing work or work involving wills and estates.

Services and advice provided by Farm and Rural Legal Service are confidential. We won't give your personal information or details about your legal problem to anyone unless authorised by you.

Can the Farm and Rural Legal Service represent me in court?

The Farm and Rural Legal Service lawyer doesn't represent producers in legal proceedings before the courts.

Contacting the Farm and Rural Legal Service

The Farm and Rural Legal Service has 2 lawyers based in our Brisbane and Townsville offices. Both lawyers travel across the state to give advice and legal help.

For more information:

Disclaimer: This content is for general purposes only and not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, please contact us or speak to a lawyer. View our full disclaimer.

Last updated 15 February 2023