Clause Code : CF

District Court Plea of Guilty

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Represent client in the District Court on a plea of guilty. The maximum costs payable on this grant are limited in accordance with the attached proforma invoices (including agent's fees). If this matter is to be heard in a circuit court, Counsel will be appointed by Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) and you will be advised of the name of the Counsel by the LAQ Senior Chambers Officer prior to the sittings. If you have any questions about the appointed Counsel you should contact the Senior Chambers Officer on 3917 0438. For a full list of all circuit courts please refer to the Circuit Court Briefing Policy on LAQ's website. Fees payable are for work done up to the maximum costs figure. Reasonable outlays will be paid. Receipts should be retained on file. The maximum fee payable on this invoice for disbursements is $50.00.

Client clause wording

Be represented in the District Court on a plea of guilty.


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
Conference $221.00
Preparation $316.00
Mentions $362.00
Court Time $450.00
Total $1,349.00


Fee Structure 1

Barristers Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
Barrister Conferences $221.00
Barrister Negotiation $221.00
Barrister Preparation $247.00
Barrister Court Time $532.00
Total $1,221.00


Work Type Fee
Total disbursements $50.00