Clause Code : IC2A

ICL representation up to trial directions

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid has been granted for the Independent Children’s Lawyer to represent the interests of the child/children up to trial directions. Aid for this stage is granted in two parts. This grant is issued in conjunction with IC2D. This is a maximum fee grant of aid. Claims can be made for actual time spent up to the maximum of 10 hours professional fees. Grants of legal assistance in family law matters are provided in stages. This stage allows: - Communication and negotiation with the parties - Preparing: - any required court documentation including: - any affidavit material and case outlines - a notice of risk of abuse (if appropriate) - a notice of request to inspect material - for court attendances including initial interim hearing - consent orders (if appropriate) - Perusing: - material filed by the parties - any family or medical reports - Inspecting documents at Court which have issued by way of subpoena - Engaging and instructing report writers or other experts - Meeting with the child/children, including to explain any orders made - Filing documents - Attendance at three court appearances

Explanatory Notes

Practitioners must claim for the actual time spent on a matter, up to the maximum allowable.
Meeting with children
Practitioners may only claim for the actual time spent meeting the children, up to the maximum allowable by the grant of aid.


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
All Work On Clause $1,500.00
Total $1,500.00