In this section
Clause type: Refusal
Based on the information you have provided about your clients case, we do not believe the matter meets guideline 11.3 – general protections, which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance to assist an applicant in proceedings for contravention of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) where there has been a breach of general protections and: 3.1. The applicant is a National System Employee; 3.2. The time limits for lodgement have been/can be met or a date for conciliation or hearing has been allocated or an arbitration has been agreed to by the parties; and 3.3. If the client is still employed the issue is current or ongoing (within the last 12 months).
Based on the information you have provided about your case, we do not believe your matter meets guideline 11.3 – general protections, which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance to assist an applicant in proceedings for contravention of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) where there has been a breach of general protections and: 3.1. The applicant is a National System Employee; 3.2. The time limits for lodgement have been/can be met or a date for conciliation or hearing has been allocated or an arbitration has been agreed to by the parties; and 3.3. If the client is still employed the issue is current or ongoing (within the last 12 months).