Clause Code : R18

Equal opportunity / anti discrimination guideline refusal

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Based on the information you have provided about your clients case, we do not believe the matter meets either: State Civil Law Guideline 4 - Anti-Discrimination, which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance for an equal opportunity or discrimination case if there is a strong prospect of substantial benefit being gained by the applicant and by the public or a section of the public in relation to the matter. or Commonwealth Civil Law Guideline 4 - Equal opportunity and discrimination cases, which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance for an equal opportunity or discrimination case if there is a real prospect of substantial benefit being gained by the applicant for assistance.

Client clause wording

Based on the information you have provided about your case, we do not believe your matter meets either: State Civil Law Guideline 4 - Anti-Discrimination which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance for an equal opportunity or discrimination case if there is a strong prospect of substantial benefit being gained by the applicant and by the public or a section of the public in relation to the matter. or Commonwealth Civil Law Guideline 4 - Equal opportunity and discrimination cases which states: Legal Aid Queensland may make a grant of legal assistance for an equal opportunity or discrimination case if there is a real prospect of substantial benefit being gained by the applicant for assistance.