Clause Code : R39

CLLAS referral

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid is a public benefit funded by the State and Commonwealth governments. Limited funding is provided to assist with legal matters in priorities set by government. Having regard to the priorities set by Government for granting aid, aid is refused for your clients application. While aid has been refused for your clients application under funding priorities set for Legal Aid Queensland, there is a scheme called the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme that may be able to provide assistance to your client. The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme is funded by the Public Trustee of Queensland and administered by Legal Aid Queensland. The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme provides grants of aid for outlays associated with civil litigation that can be dealt with within Queensland Courts or Tribunals under the laws of Queensland. Your clients application has been referred to the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme. Your firm will receive correspondence from the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme within 14 days acknowledging receipt of the application and providing notice of any action required by your firm or your client.

Client clause wording

Legal aid is a public benefit funded by the State and Commonwealth governments. Limited funding is provided to assist with legal matters in priorities set by government. Having regard to the priorities set by Government for granting aid, aid is refused for your application. While aid has been refused for your application under funding priorities set for Legal Aid Queensland, there is a scheme called the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme that may be able to provide assistance. The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme is funded by the Public Trustee of Queensland and administered by Legal Aid Queensland. The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme provides grants of aid for outlays associated with civil litigation that can be dealt with within Queensland Courts or Tribunals under the laws of Queensland. Your application has been referred to the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme. You will receive correspondence from the Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme within 14 days acknowledging receipt of the application and providing notice of any action required by yourself or your solicitor.