Clause Code : R507

CLLAS - Forum Test

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme applies a “forum test”. On the information provided, it appears your client’s claim cannot be dealt with by a Queensland Court or Tribunal in accordance with the laws of Queensland. Your client’s application for legal aid should be made to the Legal Aid Office in the State/Territory in which the claim is to be heard. Application forms are available from all Legal Aid Offices. Should you require the address and/or telephone number of an interstate Legal Aid Office, please contact this office on 1300 65 11 88.

Client clause wording

The Civil Law Legal Aid Scheme applies a “forum test”. On the information provided, it appears your claim cannot be dealt with by a Queensland Court or Tribunal in accordance with the laws of Queensland. Your application for legal aid should be made to the Legal Aid Office in the State/Territory in which the claim is to be heard. Application forms are available from all Legal Aid Offices. Should you require the address and/or telephone number of an interstate Legal Aid Office, please contact this office on 1300 65 11 88.