Clause Code : RC

Retrospective contribution

Clause type: Non Standard Text

Solicitor clause wording

Pursuant to s.36 of the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997, Legal Aid Queensland has imposed a condition on this grant of legal assistance that requires your client to pay a retrospective contribution towards their legal costs and disbursements if as a result of this grant of legal assistance your client's ownership of/or entitlement to property, is preserved or they are entitled to recover property or money. S.33 of the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997, requires you to retain settlement monies in your trust account and pay the assessed contribution before releasing any monies to anyone else. A payment of costs form has been sent to your client to complete and return to this office within 14 days.

Client clause wording

Legal Aid Queensland has imposed a condition on this grant of legal assistance that requires you to pay a retrospective contribution towards your legal costs and disbursements if as a result of this grant of legal assistance, your ownership of/or entitlement to property is preserved or you are entitled to recover property or money. Please sign the enclosed Payment of Costs form and return it to this office within 14 days.