Clause Code : REC1

Apply/respond to application for recovery, information or location order where final parenting orders exist

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid has been granted for you to represent your client to make an application or respond to an application for recovery, information or location where final parenting orders exist. This is a maximum fee grant of aid. Claims can be made for actual time spent up to the maximum. Grants of legal assistance in family law matters are provided in stages. This stage includes: - Taking client instructions - Communication and negotiation with the other party - Preparing the application or response with affidavit material - Peruse material filed by the other party - Prepare for court attendance - Filing documents - All attendances at court for the recovery application - Prepare and file consent orders (if appropriate) As your client is in receipt of a grant of legal assistance, a waiver of filing fees should be sought. If you are representing the applicant for proceedings, this grant of legal assistance is provided on the condition that you seek a costs order against the respondent, unless that party is also receiving legal assistance under a grant of legal assistance. Funding for parties in family law matters is subject to a cost cap. Refer to Guideline 18 – Family law costs management.

Client clause wording

Legal aid has been granted for you to be represented in the Family Law Courts to make an application or respond to an application for recovery, information or location where final parenting orders exist. Grants of legal assistance in family law matters are provided in stages. This stage allows for your solicitor taking your instructions, communicating and negotiating with the other party, preparing for your matter and attending court. The maximum professional fee Legal Aid will pay your lawyer at this stage is $900.00 plus disbursements of $75.00. Funding for parties in family law matters is subject to a cost cap. Refer to Guideline 18 – Family law costs management.

Explanatory Notes

Practitioners must claim for the actual time spent on a matter, up to the maximum allowable.
Practitioners may claim up to the entire sundries fee granted. The sundries fee includes all photocopying, phone calls, faxes and stamps. The fees provided are fixed. There are no exceptions for exceeding the sundries grant provided.
Specific disbursements such as subpoena fees and expert reports are subject to separate grants of aid (request separately).


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
All Work On Clause $900.00
Total $900.00


Work Type Fee
Total disbursements $75.00