In this section
Clause type: Refusal
Legal Aid Queensland must consider whether it is appropriate to make a grant of legal assistance for an applicant to participate in family dispute resolution services before considering a grant of legal assistance for court proceedings. Initiating or responding to court proceedings in the first instance is only provided if the matter is: - Urgent, or - Inappropriate for dispute resolution conference. Based on the information provided, we do not believe your client meets the above criteria. To assist your client in settling this matter we will attempt to convene a dispute resolution conference. A separate approval letter will be issued setting out the details.
Legal Aid Queensland must consider whether it is appropriate to make a grant of legal assistance for an applicant to participate in family dispute resolution services before considering a grant of legal assistance for court proceedings. Initiating or responding to court proceedings in the first instance is only provided if the matter is: • Urgent, or • Inappropriate for a dispute resolution conference. Based on the information provided, we do not believe that your matter meets the above criteria. To assist you to settle this matter we will attempt to convene a dispute resolution conference. A separate approval letter will be issued setting out the details.