Clause Code : RF4B

Not appropriate to initiate court proceedings in first instance – no conference referral (where client/solicitor indicates an FDRC is not appropriate)

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Legal Aid Queensland must consider whether it is appropriate to make a grant of legal assistance for an applicant to participate in family dispute resolution services before considering a grant of legal assistance for court proceedings. Initiating or responding to court proceedings in the first instance is only provided if the matter is: - Urgent, or - Inappropriate for a dispute resolution conference. Based on the information provided, we do not believe that your matter meets the above criteria. We are prepared to attempt to convene a dispute resolution conference to assist your client in settling this matter. If your client would like to attend a dispute resolution conference, please contact our office.

Client clause wording

Legal Aid Queensland must consider whether it is appropriate to make a grant of legal assistance for an applicant to participate in family dispute resolution services before considering a grant of legal assistance for court proceedings. Initiating or responding to court proceedings in the first instance is only provided if the matter is: • Urgent, or • Inappropriate for a dispute resolution conference. Based on the information provided, we do not believe that your matter meets the above criteria. We are prepared to attempt to convene a dispute resolution conference to assist you to settle this matter. If you would like to attend a dispute resolution conference, please contact our office.

Explanatory Notes

Refusal only, no referral to conferencing.