Clause Code : RFP2

Additional standard preparation not available in stage 4 as criteria not met

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Your request for additional standard preparation within stage 4 has been refused as it appears that you do not meet the criteria. Additional standard preparation is only available within this stage where: - The trial commenced and was adjourned or part heard, or - The trial did not commence and new trial dates have been allocated, and - Since initial trial was prepared: - further subpoenas have been issued, or - an updated family report has been obtained, or - an updated expert report has been obtained, or - a family consultant was engaged after the trial was adjourned and is required to give updated evidence, or - affidavit material filed prior to trial needs to be updated, - written submissions are required to be filed for final determination, or - trial documents filed prior to trial need to be amended.