Clause Code : RL2D

Litigation - protection refusal – no immediate risk of children being removed from Australia as other party does not have access to passports

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

- Your client is seeking parenting orders as they have concerns that the other party will remove the child / children from the country. There does not appear to be an immediate risk of the child / children being removed from Australia as the other party does not have access to the child / children’s passports and/or does not have the ability to obtain a passport without your client’s consent.

Client clause wording

• You are seeking parenting orders as you have concerns that the other party will remove the child / children from the country. There does not appear to be an immediate risk of the child / children being removed from Australia as the other party does not have access to the child / children’s passports and/or does not have the ability to obtain a passport without your consent.