Clause Code : RL2H

Litigation - protection refusal – applicant has reduced other party’s time with children without evidence of good reasons

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

- The child / children live with your client and usually spend time with the other party. Your client has reduced or ceased the other party’s time with the child / children or is seeking that the other party’s time with the child / children is supervised. Your client has not provided independent evidence to substantiate that their actions are required to protect the child / children from family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm.

Client clause wording

• The child / children live with you and usually spend time with the other party. You have reduced or ceased the other party’s time with the child / children or seek that the other party’s time with the child / children is supervised. You have not provided independent evidence to substantiate that your actions are required to protect the child / children from family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm.