Clause Code : RLIP

Assistance to parties who are not parents

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid is only available for a party who is not a parent in court proceedings relating to a court order where: - there is a dispute about a substantial issue concerning one or more of the following: - the safety of the child and their protection family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm, or - the denial of the child's right to have a safe and beneficial relationship with other significant people, or - the denial of the child's right to enjoy their Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander culture, and - the party is significant to the developmental, psychological, emotional, and cultural needs of the child, and - Legal Aid Queensland considers it to be in the child’s best interests. Based on the information you have provided about your client’s matter, we do not consider your client meets the criteria for funding as:

Client clause wording

Legal aid is only available for a party who is not a parent in court proceedings relating to a court order where: • there is a dispute about a substantial issue concerning one or more of the following: • the safety of the child and their protection from family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm, or • the denial of the child's right to have a safe and beneficial relationship with other significant people, or • the denial of the child's right to enjoy their Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander culture, and • the party is significant to the developmental, psychological, emotional, and cultural needs of the child, and • Legal Aid Queensland considers it to be in the child’s best interests. Based on the information you have provided in your application, we do not consider you meet the criteria for funding as: