Clause Code : RLIT

Dispute about a substantial issue refusal for court proceedings – generic

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid is only available for a parenting dispute proceeding to court if it is considered that there is a dispute about a substantial issue concerning one or more of the following: - the safety of the child and their protection from family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm, or - the denial of the child's right to have a safe and beneficial relationship with their parents and other significant people, or - the denial of the child's right to enjoy their Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander culture. Based on the information you have provided about your client’s matter, we do not consider there is a dispute about a substantial issue because:

Client clause wording

Legal aid is only available for a parenting dispute proceeding to court if it is considered that there is a dispute about a substantial issue concerning one or more of the following: • the safety of the child and their protection from family violence, abuse, neglect, or other harm, or • the denial of the child's right to have a safe and beneficial relationship with their parents and other significant people, or • the denial of the child's right to enjoy their Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander culture. Based on the information you have provided about your matter, we do not consider there is a dispute about a substantial issue because: