Clause Code : RMG

Summary matter refusal - level 1

Clause type: Refusal

Solicitor clause wording

Your client has applied for aid for a matter in the Magistrates or Childrens Court where matters can be dealt with in this court by way of sentence (plea of guilty) or trial (plea of not guilty). We have assessed your client's application based on the information provided and have considered the nature and circumstances of the offence and relevant criminal or traffic history.

Client clause wording

You have applied for aid for a matter in the Magistrates or Childrens Court where matters can be dealt by way of sentence (plea of guilty) or trial (plea of not guilty). If you have indicated that you intend to plead not guilty or you are not sure how you intend to plead, we have assessed your request under both the sentence and trial guidelines. We have considered the information you have provided about the nature and circumstances of the offence and relevant criminal or traffic history.