In this section
Clause type: Refusal
Legal aid funding is not usually available for pleas of guilty in the Magistrates or Children's Court where a duty lawyer service operates unless there are reasons that prevent the duty lawyer being able to represent your client. Your client has been refused a grant of legal assistance because we consider that the duty lawyer will be able to assist your client with the plea as: - it appears there is no need for a solicitor to gather substantial additional information / evidence to deal with your plea, and - it appears the client does not have a disability or disadvantage that prevents them giving instructions to the duty lawyer.
Legal aid funding is not usually available for pleas of guilty in the Magistrates or Childrens Court where a duty lawyer service operates unless there are reasons that prevent the duty lawyer being able to represent you. You have been refused a grant of legal assistance because we consider that the duty lawyer will be able to assist you with your plea as: • it appears there is no need for a solicitor to gather substantial additional information / evidence to deal with your plea, and • it appears you do not have a disability or disadvantage that prevents you from giving instructions to the duty lawyer on the day of your plea.