Clause Code : XN1

Cross-examination Scheme – Prepare for trial

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Funding has been provided for you to prepare for the cross-examination of parties under s 102NA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) Funding is provided by the Commonwealth Family Violence and Cross-Examination Scheme. The funding provided is a maximum fee. Claims can be made for actual time spent up to the maximum. This funding covers: - Taking client instructions - Communicating and negotiating with the other party Preparing: - a case outline - a chronology of relevant events - case information - a schedule of factual issues in dispute - affidavit material - a brief to counsel - for court attendance - consent orders (if appropriate) Perusing: - material filed by the other party - any family or medical reports - Inspecting documents at Court which have issued by way of subpoena - Filing and serving documents - Attendance at court for up to two (2) appearances outside the hearing days This is a new referral. Legal assistance has been granted to the above client. You are requested to represent this client. If the client fails to contact you within twenty-one (21) days, please advise this Office so that the grant may be cancelled. Acceptance of this referral is on the basis that you accept the undertaking as set out on the solicitor's certificate on the application for legal assistance form.

Client clause wording

Legal representation has been provided to you for a solicitor to prepare for cross-examination at a hearing in the Family Law Courts, under s 102NA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) This solicitor has been appointed to act for you in this matter. You should contact your solicitor as soon as possible. If contact is not made within 21 days from the date of this letter, legal assistance may be cancelled.


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
All Work On Clause $3,000.00
Total $3,000.00


Fee Structure 1

Barristers Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
Prepare For Trial $2,448.00
Total $2,448.00


Work Type Fee
Total disbursements $200.00