Clause Code : IC1

ICL appointment grant

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Legal aid has been granted for you to independently represent the interests of the child or children as the Independent Children’s Lawyer. This is a maximum fee grant of aid. Claims can be made for actual time spent up to the maximum. Grants of legal assistance in family law matters are provided in stages. This stage includes: - Perusing the court file - Filing and serving a notice of address for service - Informing the parties of the appointment, including requesting they complete a questionnaire and sign relevant authorities to obtain information in relation to the family - Notify parties of your funding under the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997 and requirements for financial contributions noted in the LAQ Grants Handbook. - Sending a letter to the family consultant - Sending a letter to the Department of Child Safety (if applicable) - Issuing subpoenas - Meeting with the child / children The maximum fee payable on this invoice for disbursements is $25.00.

Explanatory Notes

Practitioners must claim for the actual time spent on a matter, up to the maximum allowable.
Meeting with children
Practitioners may only claim for the actual time spent meeting the children, up to the maximum allowable by the grant of aid.
Practitioners may claim actual expenses as it relates to photocopying, phone calls, faxes and stamps.
Specific disbursements such as subpoena fees and expert reports are subject to separate grants of aid (request separately).


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
All Work On Clause $900.00
Total $900.00


Work Type Fee
Total disbursements $25.00