Clause Code : L5

District Court continue with action up to but not including hearing

Clause type: Approval

Solicitor clause wording

Pursuant to counsel's opinion, continue with District Court action up to but not including trial. This is a maximum fee grant of aid (including agent's fees). Counsel's fees are payable in accordance with the scale. Claims can be made up to the maximum fees in accordance with the attached proforma account. No further details are required. The maximum fee payable on this invoice for disbursements is $100.00.

Client clause wording

Continue with District Court action up to but not including trial.


Fee Structure 1

Solicitors Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
All Work On Clause $1,800.00
Total $1,800.00


Fee Structure 1

Barristers Fee Structure 1
Work Type Fee
Fee On Brief $1,108.00
Total $1,108.00


Work Type Fee
Total disbursements $100.00