Community legal education projects to help Queenslanders understand their legal rights 2018

COMMUNITY legal centres across Queensland will be able to help more people understand their legal rights and responsibilities, thanks to additional project funding provided by the Queensland Government.

The funding, provided through Legal Aid Queensland’s Community Legal Education Collaboration Fund, will see grant recipients delivering a range of projects and initiatives including workshops and education packages, through to online educational videos.

“Educating the community about their legal rights and responsibilities is an important part of Legal Aid Queensland’s role and our collaboration fund provides grants to legal assistance sector agencies to deliver collaborative community legal education projects across Queensland,” Legal Aid Queensland CEO Anthony Reilly said.
“People with disabilities, new and emerging communities, young people, older people and regional Queenslanders are among the community members who will benefit from the CLE initiatives supported through the fund in 2018”.

The recipients sharing in $94,695 in funding are:

Pine Rivers Community Legal Service: to continue delivering community legal education sessions to young people in collaboration with Worklinks at Caboolture, Strathpine, Mitchelton and Kippa Ring. 

Refugee and Immigration Legal Service: to facilitate the ‘Resolving Community Conflicts’ project – in partnership with the Department of Justice and Attorney-General’s Dispute Resolution Branch and the South Community Hub Domestic and Family Violence project to deliver workshops to leaders from East African countries and other emerging communities.

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated: to partner with TAFE Queensland to produce pamphlets, videos and a forum involving live theatre to increase awareness, education and support for people with a disability in residential settings who experience violence and abuse.

Caxton Legal Centre: to work with the multicultural sector to develop an Elder Abuse Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Engagement Strategy, including translating elder abuse prevention factsheets in ten languages and coordinating legal information sessions.

LawRight: to collaborate with the homelessness and community sectors to coordinate a free legal information training day for frontline non-legal caseworkers.

Bundaberg Regional Legal Assistance Forum: to deliver community legal education information sessions for community members, and community, health and education workers in partnership with the Family Law Pathways network.

South West Queensland Regional Legal Assistance Forum: to partner with key stakeholders to build on its ongoing school program in the region, presenting information sessions to school students on healthy relationships.

The collaboration fund is an initiative of Legal Aid Queensland and is funded by the Queensland Government’s Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Legal Aid Queensland.

Media contact: Miranda Greer or Amanda Catania 3917 0407


Last updated 20 July 2018