Legal Aid Queensland is delighted to announce the 2016 Community Legal Education (CLE) Collaboration Fund grant recipients, which will deliver a range of projects and initiatives to help the community better understand their legal rights and responsibilities.
“Educating the community about their legal rights and responsibilities is an important part of Legal Aid Queensland’s role. Our fund provides grants to community legal centres, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service and regional legal assistance forums to deliver collaborative CLE projects across Queensland,” Legal Aid Queensland Acting CEO Paul Davey said.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities, people with disabilities, young people, older people and regional Queenslanders are among the community members who will benefit from the CLE initiatives supported through the fund.”
The recipients sharing in $76,290 in funding are:
Tenants Queensland: will partner with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service to update Tenants Queensland’s tenancy factsheets targeted at ATSI people, deliver three legal information workshops to ATSI community workers and promote both organisations’ services during NAIDOC Week.
Queensland Aged and Disability Advocacy: will develop a ‘My Rights’ app for people with disabilities and their support networks, providing information, useful links and details on relevant agencies which provide services to people with disabilities.
Youth Advocacy Centre: will collaborate with the Queensland African Communities Council and the Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma to provide legal support for young African people and their families. The project will involve final year lawyers and/or new law graduates from African communities delivering information sessions and developing resources about legal rights and responsibilities, the role of lawyers and the police, and Queensland’s youth justice system.
Suncoast Community Legal Service: will develop a resource kit to help educate older people about their legal rights and responsibilities, powers of attorney and elder abuse. This kit will be used in conjunction with their existing video on the same topic.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service: will partner with the Aboriginal Centre for Performing Arts to produce five short CLE videos for ATSI communities on young people and their rights, domestic and family violence, fines and the State Penalties Enforcement Registry, maintaining contact with your lawyers and welfare of children.
South West Queensland Regional Legal Assistance Forum: will partner with Dovetail and other drug education/health services to deliver information sessions on ice and its implications to high school students.
Bundaberg Regional Legal Assistance Forum: will deliver information sessions on youth justice and substance misuse, and how to assist ATSI clients to access courts and better understand court processes.
The collaboration fund is an initiative of Legal Aid Queensland and is funded by the Queensland Government’s Department of Justice and Attorney-General.
Media contact:
Amanda Catania (07) 3238 3004 or Katherine Gorter (07) 3238 3301
Last updated 13 July 2016