Cairns: free family law duty lawyer service provides legal help during COVID restrictions

Date 29 January 2021

People with family law matters scheduled via electronic hearing on 1-3 February 2021 in the Federal Circuit Court’s Cairns sitting can still access Legal Aid Queensland’s Family Law Duty Lawyer Service.

Legal Aid Queensland family lawyer Sarah D’Alton said the duty lawyer service is continuing to operate by phone during the COVID-19 restrictions as it provides a legal lifeline to people representing themselves in family law matters.

“Our duty lawyers try to help people get through their hearing by providing legal information and some preliminary advice,” Ms D’Alton said.

“Our duty lawyer service can be accessed by anyone – it’s not means-tested and people can get help from this service even if they have been refused legal aid for their matter previously.

“While our duty lawyers can’t take on case work or represent people in family law trials, they can certainly talk to people about eligibility for ongoing support from Legal Aid.”

Legal Aid Queensland’s Family Law Duty Lawyer Service will be available via phone for the Cairns electronic court sitting dates on 1-3 February 2021.

People with scheduled electronic hearings should call 1300 267 762 up to 3 working days before their scheduled hearing to arrange a time to speak to the duty lawyer. The duty lawyer will then call them on their electronic hearing date.

During COVID-19, Queenslanders can also get free legal information and advice from Legal Aid Queensland by calling the contact centre on 1300 65 11 88 (local call cost if you are calling from a landline) from Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4pm AEST, or by visiting one of our 14 offices across the state. Visit the Legal Aid Queensland website: to find your local office.

Media contact:

Amanda Catania or Katherine Gorter (07) 3917 0407 or (07) 3917 0457 

Last updated 29 January 2021