Free legal help for people affected by domestic and family violence

PEOPLE affected by domestic and family violence can turn to Legal Aid Queensland for help, with the organisation providing thousands of Queenslanders with free legal information, advice and representation in court each year.

During Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, chief executive officer Anthony Reilly said he wanted the community to be aware that they could contact Legal Aid Queensland for help with domestic violence issues.

“People can call us on 1300 65 11 88 or visit our website to get vital information about their legal rights and access to our services,” Mr Reilly said.

 “We also have 14 offices in communities around Queensland, where people can talk to our staff face-to-face about their situation, including how to protect themselves and their families, get referrals to other community support services like women’s shelters, and discuss their eligibility for ongoing legal support.”

Legal Aid Queensland also provides a domestic violence duty lawyer service at 15 Queensland courts, giving people access to legal information and advice, help to fill out forms and documents needed for that day in court, advice about eligibility for ongoing legal representation, and in some cases, representation in court that day.

“The duty lawyer service provides free legal help to people applying for and responding to applications for protection orders who need to appear in court that day for their legal matter, but haven’t yet spoken to a lawyer,” Mr Reilly said.

“Last financial year, our domestic and family violence duty lawyers assisted more than 7000 people, helping them to understand the court process and protecting their legal rights.

“Women who need to attend the Brisbane Magistrates Court for domestic and family violence matters can also access free, confidential assistance from our court-based domestic violence prevention workers.

“The workers help people complete protection order applications, provide information about the court process and a person’s legal options, provide support in court, and refer people to relevant community support services.”


More inquiries: Miranda Greer or Amanda Catania on (07) 3238 3004.

Last updated 23 May 2017