Legal Aid Queensland offices closed from 5pm Friday 22 December to Monday 1 January 2018

Season's greetings from Legal Aid Queensland!

All Legal Aid Queensland offices will be closed for the Christmas and new year holiday period from 5pm Friday 22 December 2017, reopening at 8.30am Tuesday 2 January 2018.

During this time, if you or your family are at risk of harm, please call the police. In an emergency call 000.


Domestic or family violence

If you're experiencing domestic or family violence call DV Connect on 1800 811 811—24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Child safety

If you're concerned about the safety of children, contact the child safety after-hours service on 07 3235 9999 or 1800 177 135.


Family law matters

For urgent family law matters, such as the removal or recovery of children, contact the family law courts on 1300 352 000. This service operates 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).


Going to court

If you've been arrested and held in custody before a court appearance, or you have to go to court during this time, the court you're appearing in may arrange for you to see a Legal Aid Queensland duty lawyer.


Young people

Young people can call 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527) to talk to a lawyer and get free and confidential legal advice about bail, diversionary option, being charged with an offence, talking to the policy and youth justice issues. The Youth Advice Hotline will be open on Thursday 28 December and Friday 29 December from 8am to 9pm, and Saturday 30 December from 7am to 12pm (closed on public holidays).


You can also find free legal information and publications on our website under Find Legal Information.

Last updated 22 December 2017