National website helps people affected by family violence

Family Violence Law Help is a new, easy to use website with information about domestic and family violence and the law – Australia-wide.

Uniquely, the website uses illustrations throughout to make difficult legal concepts easier to understand.

Each webpage features individual factsheets that can be downloaded and printed, and the website can be translated into different languages with the simple click of a button.

The website covers information on domestic and family violence, family law, child protection and domestic violence protection orders.

It features a national service directory with peak services that provide legal advice, support, emergency housing and more.

The website aims to connect people with key services across Australia, so they can get help, tailored to their situation.

The website also acts as a landing page for each state and territory Family Advocacy and Support Service, providing a central hub of information about how each service operates across Australia.

It also includes information about online safety and acts as a one-stop-shop, providing links to existing best-practice resources.

Dr John Boersig, chair of National Legal Aid, said navigating multiple court systems and jurisdictions can be confusing, especially for people affected by domestic and family violence.

“This website is designed as a starting point to give simple, clear information to people affected by domestic and family violence, trying to traverse these different systems,” Dr Boersig said.

“The aim is to empower people through information, and highlights the importance of getting early legal advice.”

Legal Aid Queensland CEO Anthony Reilly said he was proud to be associated with the website.

“About one quarter of women in Australia have experienced at least one incident of violence by an intimate partner. This website has the potential to help many Australians,” Mr Reilly said.

“Finding accurate, up-to-date legal information online can be difficult, particularly for those who are disadvantaged or with complex needs.

“This website dispels myths about domestic and family violence and provides access to a wealth of reliable information.”

Visit Family Violence Law Help at

Contact: Miranda Greer or Amanda Catania Ph: 3917 0407

Last updated 11 March 2019