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Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Office and services closed – Monday 10 March

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The fastest way to get help is to search our legal information online. You can also call 1300 65 11 88, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Speak to us

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Office and services closed – Monday 10 March

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Legal Information Line

Ph 1300 65 11 88 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm (AEST) except for public holidays (local call cost from a landline)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information Line

Ph 1300 65 01 43 (local call cost from a landline)

Questions about a legal aid application already submitted

Ph 1300 383 900

Disaster legal help

Ph 1300 527 700

Youth Legal Advice Hotline

Ph 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527)
Monday to Thursday, 8am to 9pm
Friday 8am to Sunday 5pm (except for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day)

People under 18 or people with a Childrens Court matter can get free and confidential legal advice about:

  • their legal rights
  • bail
  • diversionary options
  • getting legal representation
  • being charged with an offence
  • applying for legal aid
  • concerns about talking to police
  • other youth justice issues.

Drug Diversion Legal Advice Line

Ph 1300 004 924
Monday to Thursday, 8am to 9pm
Friday 8am to Sunday 5pm (except for Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day)

People 18 or older can get free and confidential legal advice about drug diversion when:

  • police are speaking with them, or have spoken to them, about a minor drug offence and drug diversion or a drug diversion warning
  • they are considering a drug diversion option.

Read more about police drug diversions.

Counselling Notes Protect

Ph 1300 267 762
A legal service to protect sexual assault counselling records

Family law duty lawyer service

Brisbane, Bundaberg, Maroochydore and Toowoomba–Ph 1300 267 762
Cairns–Ph (07) 4252 6800
Mackay–Ph (07) 4889 8600
Rockhampton–Ph (07) 4921 6500
Townsville–Ph (07) 4758 5300

Overseas callers

Ph +61 7 3182 5181

LAQ directory switchboard

Ph 07 3182 5182

Speak to your lawyer

If you are an existing client and want to speak to your lawyer, please call your local office. Our offices are open Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5pm, except for public holidays.

If you are not a client, the fastest way to get help is to search our legal information online. You can also call 1300 65 11 88, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Our offices

Map pin - star Map icon for our office locations

Upcoming closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

  • Closed due to severe weather

Legal Aid Queensland office location

Brisbane office—head office

Upcoming closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

44 Herschel Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

Get directions to our Brisbane office

Phone: (07) 3182 5182
Fax: (07) 3917 0249

Opening hours: .

Postal address: GPO Box 2449 Brisbane 4001

Bundaberg office

3rd Floor WIN Tower,
Cnr Quay and Barolin Street
Bundaberg, Queensland 4670

Get directions to our Bundaberg office 

Phone: (07) 4331 7400
Fax: (07) 4331 7495

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 967 Bundaberg 4670

Caboolture office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

Ground floor, Suite 7
42 King Street
Caboolture Qld 4510

Get directions to our Caboolture office 

Phone: (07) 5293 2000
Fax: (07) 5293 2096

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 1322 Caboolture 4510

Cairns office

Level 2, Cairns Square
42-52 Abbott Street
Cairns Qld 4870

Get directions to our Cairns office

Phone: (07) 4252 6800
Fax: (07) 4252 6896

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 1692 Cairns 4870

Inala office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

Level 1, Inala Commonwealth Building
20 Wirraway Parade
Inala Qld 4077

Get directions to our Inala office

Phone: (07) 3723 2300
Fax: (07) 3723 2399

Opening hours:  Mon.

Postal address: PO Box 37 Inala 4077

Ipswich office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

Icon Ipswich Tower
Level 7, 117 Brisbane Street
Ipswich Qld 4305

Get directions to our Ipswich office

Phone: (07) 3817 4800
Fax: (07) 3817 4896

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 466 Ipswich 4305

Mackay office

Ground floor
17 Brisbane Street
Mackay Qld 4740

Get directions to our Mackay office

Phone: (07) 4889 8600
Fax:(07) 4889 8696

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 1062 Mackay 4740

Maroochydore office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

Ground floor, M1 Building
Duporth Avenue
Maroochydore Qld 4558

Get directions to our Maroochydore office

Phone: (07) 5451 6900
Fax: (07) 5451 6996

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 364 Maroochydore 4558

Mount Isa office

6 Miles Street
Mount Isa Qld 4825

Get directions to our Mount Isa office

Phone: (07) 4437 4900
Fax: (07) 4437 4997

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 1692 Mount Isa 4825

Rockhampton office

Ground floor
35 Fitzroy Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700

Get directions to our Rockhampton office

Phone: (07) 4921 6500
Fax: (07) 4921 6596

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box 442 Rockhampton 4700

Southport office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

Level 2
7 Bay Street
Southport Qld 4215

Get directions to our Southport office

Phone: (07) 5671 7700
Fax: (07) 5671 7796

Opening hours:

Postal address: PO Box 1275 Southport 4215

Toowoomba office

1st floor
154 Hume Street
Toowoomba Qld 4350

Get directions to our Toowoomba office

Phone: (07) 4591 8200
Fax: (07) 4591 8296

Opening hours: .

Postal address: PO Box  620 Toowoomba 4350

Townsville office

Level 4, Northern Securities Building
22 Walker Street
Townsville Qld 4810
Get directions to our Townsville office

Phone: (07) 4758 5300
Fax: (07) 4758 5396

Opening hours:

Postal address: PO Box 1337 Townsville 4810

Woodridge office

Upcoming office closures

  • Closed due to severe weather

1st floor, Woodridge Place
Cnr Ewing Road and Carmody Street
Woodridge Qld 4114

Get directions to our Woodridge office

Phone: (07) 3287 8200 
Fax: (07) 3287 8296

Opening hours:

Postal address: PO Box 395 Woodridge 4114


Please choose an option:

General question form

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When to use this form

Use this form to ask a general question of Legal Aid Queensland.

Click here to view form.

Website comment or suggestion form

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When to use this form

Use this form to make a comment or suggestion about our website.

Click here to view form.

Question about a submitted legal aid application

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When to use this form

Use this form if you have a question about a legal aid application already submitted. If you have not submitted a legal aid application, please complete the general question form or phone us on 1300 65 11 88.

Click here to view form.


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When to use this form

Use this form to give us a compliment.

Your feedback helps us deliver quality legal assistance services.

Click here to view form.


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When to use this form

Use this form to make a complaint.

Your feedback helps us deliver quality legal assistance services.

Who else will know about my complaint?

Your complaint is confidential and details will only be discussed with the people directly involved in the investigation and resolution of the problem raised.  We will always handle your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997.

Need extra help?

If you need extra help, you can:

  • contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 - they will organise an interpreter in your own language for you
  • go to the National Relay Service website to make a call if you have a hearing impairment
  • call 1800 998 980, visit one of our offices and speak to a customer service officer.

These services are confidential and free.

Click here to view form.

Mail or fax

Legal Aid Queensland—head office
GPO Box 2449
Brisbane Qld 4001
Fax (07) 3917 0249

Media inquiries

Why ask us for comment?

Legal Aid Queensland has employees who are experts in their areas of legal practice and may be able to provide comment to the media on a range of issues.

Many of our employees are media trained and have extensive interview experience across all mediums – print, radio and television.

Once you have identified the subject you are interested in getting more information and comment about, contact the Communication & Community Legal Education team.

One of the team members will then help you by either getting more information or organising an interview with a Legal Aid Queensland expert.

Ability to provide comment

Questions of a political nature or about Legal Aid Queensland's funding, organisational structure or management can only be answered by the Chief Executive Officer.

There are a number of other factors which may limit the scope of the information we provide to the media, for example:

Legal Aid Queensland Act

The Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997 makes it an offence for Legal Aid Queensland employees to breach client confidentiality and a client's right to privacy. As a result, Legal Aid Queensland employees are often restricted by what they can say about certain clients and cases.

For example, staff cannot provide any information to the media — or any other party — which would indicate a person had applied to Legal Aid Queensland for legal help. For Legal Aid Queensland to make that information public, even accidentally, it is considered a breach of that person's privacy. Even if the person is not directly identified it would still be a breach of privacy if enough information is given to enable the person to be identified.

Administration of justice

Our employees are under a duty to the courts to ensure they do not interfere with the administration of justice. They must uphold a range of laws and obligations relating to their conduct as legal professionals and officers of the court. For example Legal Aid Queensland legal officers cannot disclose privileged communication or information which could result in contempt of court.

Commenting on current cases

Legal Aid Queensland represents the majority of individuals charged with criminal offences in Queensland. We strive to provide as much information to media as possible about the criminal cases we undertake.

However, Legal Aid Queensland legal officers can only comment on current or past cases if the information is already in the public domain, will not interfere with the administration of justice, and the comments provided do not breach client confidentiality.

Our legal staff have a professional responsibility to act in the best interests of their clients. Sometimes that means declining media interviews.

Interviews with current or past clients

Legal Aid Queensland often receives requests from the media to interview clients — past or present. When we get requests, the details of the proposed interview are passed onto the client's solicitor and are then communicated to the client for their consideration. Where an interview is clearly not in the best interest of the client, the solicitor may advise against an interview. However, it is ultimately the decision of the client as to whether they want to comment to the media.

Media contacts 


We welcome feedback about:

  • legal aid policies and processes
  • a staff member or service provider’s behaviour or attitude
  • a staff member or service provider’s performance or professional competence
  • privacy or confidentiality.

You can contact us by:

See our full feedback and complaints policy for more information

Help for people with hearing or speech difficulties

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us using the National Relay Service.

To make a call:

Help in your language

Translating and interpreting service (TIS)

If you need to organise an interpreter in your language, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. Ask them to contact us on 1800 998 980. More information (link to languages page)